
Mindset is as important as toolset

Local authorities find themselves in a crucial position with regards to harnessing the potential of digital tools across their territory. A local authority is able to mobilise and enhance technical and human resources, particularly for administrative services. But to design for change requires local authorities to adopt innovation skills and innovation mindsets, to better understand or empathise with their defined problem. To formulate a comprehensive action plan for a digital transformation requires a strong understanding of the realities of the territory, including a comprehensive mapping of relevant stakeholders across the problem ecosystem, which will help identify future partners with which to work (these partners may be startups that have technical expertise, or who provide routes to finance potential solutions, investors, citizen-led groups, research bodies and so on) clarifying the problem on which to work, and building an understanding of existing capacity. Together with the stakeholders, conducting an assessment of digital maturity, of both the problem sector and the local authority, will help to establish the current state of play, highlight technical parameters for interventions to be successful, and most importantly show the key areas to focus on for a successful and comprehensive digital transition towards becoming a smart city.