
ASToN Local Group

The cities in the ASToN network established their Local Groups in Phase 1 of the project. This is the key mechanism that cities in the network are encouraged to engage diverse local stakeholders with.

Local Groups are made up of the internal and external stakeholders (relevant bodies and individuals) that will help steer and/or implement the project, and beneficiaries or users of the service the project will improve. They ensure the project is participatory.
These groups should meet regularly throughout the project (we encourage group meetings once a month), and share the responsibility for developing and ultimately delivering the Local Action Plan. Cities should also regularly review the composition of this group to make sure the most relevant people are involved in the process.

Local Group members will be included in network-wide events where appropriate.

The Local Group Coordinator is a key figure for the overall local activities. He or she should have strong facilitation skills, sound knowledge of the different local actors involved in the topic and of the topics. In strong connection with the Local Project Leader, the Local Coordinator makes sure that the calendar for the production of the Local Action Plan is being followed and that there is shared ownership on the Plan among the group members.

The three relevant groups for ASToN teams:
