
CASE STUDY from ASToN (2019-2022): ASToN’s partnership strategy

Within ASToN (2019-2022), when we talk about partnerships, we envisage partners falling into any or all of three types of role, each with a clear set of activities we will expect of them:


• Share news of our events or new opportunities with their network.
• Spread the word to their audience about ASToN insights, findings, questions we’re still exploring or publications we’re putting out into the world.
• Communicate the ASToN ambition, method and future plans to other potential members or partners.


• Explore opportunities to fund individual cities’ experiments.
• Come together with other funders in a funding circle around a theme e.g. mobility
• Fund thematic clusters to scale up their work.
• Fund ASToN network as a whole to continue beyond the AFD funding, reaching more cities and more citizens .

Exchange and learn

Exchange with each other on what works and what doesn’t, swapping tools, blueprints and insights. Hold space for open conversations and explorations to learn from each other as peers.

We will enrol these partners and grow partnerships in a 3-step strategy:

1 – Identify and engage partners who can help ASToN reach sustainability through amplification, funding or strengthening our IP;

2– Convene those partners into a coalition of financial and non-financial support and exchange for Africa’s Smart Cities;

3– Use that coalition to lever in more funding, expertise, momentum and talent and to bring ASToN to a second phase of project or ideally, ongoing sustainability.