
Thematic clusters

Bringing people together and fostering connections based on a shared purpose or topic of interest is one way to spark deep and holistic connections with unforeseen gains for peer-peer collaboration into the future. Set up smaller clusters of cities within the network that will meet and connect more closely as peers.

Lessons learnt from ASToN (2019-2022):

Remain very adaptable throughout. COVID-19 changed the priorities and capacity of cities in our network significantly, but also certain thematic clusters became less relevant later in the network, and we didn’t force these clusters to continue when they were no longer needed.

Onboard experts onto the ASToN process. Thematic and technical expertise is needed within a specialist network, and in this case, experts with good knowledge of the African continent are highly preferred. However, it is also important that these experts share and are convinced by the implemented methodology to the network. Onboarding them onto this methodology is important to the success of their contributions.