
A core team and a roster of experts

Which team is needed to deliver a network like ASToN? Given the thematic complexity of a network like ASToN, a delivery team articulated around a small core team and a roster of experts is best.

The ASToN programme method is multi-layered (full network, themed clusters, individual cities) and from 2019 to 2022 guided 11 cities through a 3+ year-long learning journey of exploring the problem they wanted to tackle then experimenting with ideas to solve that problem. It takes a blend of expertise to set up and run a programme like ASToN, with a small core team, some deep expertise and a roster of suppliers offering dedicated services.

• To support and stretch the cities, a constellation of different skills and expertise was necessary.

• To stay lean and able to respond to cities’ needs as we learned more about them it was most effective to retain a small, core team and lead expert,

• And to provide deep technical, context-relevant expertise, it was crucial to bring in thematic, local, experimentation, subject matter and supplier expertise as and when needed.