
City handbook

If you are reading this, chances are you are interested in digital transformation in local government. You might be someone working in a local authority or a funder interested in how to use digital tools to build sustainable and inclusive cities.

This handbook was developed by the African Smart Towns Network (ASToN) following our flagship programme 2019 – 2022. ASToN brought together 11 African cities into a network aimed at developing digital practices and creating sustainable & inclusive cities.
This is a practical guide of the approach we have taken in the ASToN programme. We have drawn on, and built on, many frameworks and guides that already exist, and we have referenced these throughout the document.
Our hope is that this handbook can prove useful for other local authorities and those interested in city-level innovation. It should be used to provide inspiration, rather than something that must be followed to the letter. We recognise that each city is different and needs slightly different things. The network was based in Africa but the approach we believe is more universal than that.

The document is split into three sections; Explore, Engage and Experiment. These sections offer a way to think about approaching digital transition in your city and include a range of activities and associated tools you can use to conduct the activity. Where possible, we’ve included an example of how the tool was used by practitioners from the ASToN network.

These sections aren’t necessarily linear but overlap and interconnect. While the activities, tools and methods shared here are largely drawn from digital best practice, they can be applied and used in projects across any domain, including non-digital projects.

About handbook