Sèmè Podji

Sèmè Podji

Sèmè-Podji is a town in the Ouémé department, south-eastern Benin. The latter currently has a paper-based land registration system that does not cover the six districts. The city therefore faces a crucial challenge regarding the allocation of title to property and land administration, as landowners cannot easily access their titles and public services do not have access to data to carry out their services well.

By joining the ASToN network, the municipality seeks to solve the problem of land registration due to its impact on a wide range of activities: the addressing system, tax collection, etc. Its improvement would also guarantee a better quality of life for citizens and more transparency for elected officials and public activities.

Sémé Podji in figures

  • Population: 400 000 inhabitants (2020)
  • Surface area: 250 km²
  • Population density: 1 600/km²
  • Local authority budget: 5 billion CFA
  • Smartphone penetration rate: 60-80 %
  • Internet access rate: 40-60 %


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