Since 2012, HubCity in Lomé, Togo, has sought to be a “neovernacular”…
Thematic clusters
Bringing people together and fostering connections based on a shared purpose or…
Learning areas
So much could be covered, and therefore it is important to both:…
CASE STUDY from ASToN (2019- 2022): ASToN’s learning journey
Staying cohesive as a network ASToN network was designed to support the…
Learning journey
How do you structure what the cities in the network are going…
The African Smart Towns Network (ASToN), 2019-2022 – episode one
In its first phase (2019-2022), ASToN has worked alongside eleven African local…
A network of African cities for digital transformation
By improving the capability of city authorities, the aim of a network…
The “Smart City” agenda, URBACT and ASToN
We started ASToN asking ourselves if cities working on digital transformations can…
Urban growth and digital transformation
Why a city network for digital transformation? ASToN, as a city network…
This blueprint was written by Nathan Kably and Alice Carter, Abi Freeman,…